Familias y escuelas saludables

La equidad en salud comienza con el apoyo al acceso a la atención médica para todas nuestras familias, especialmente las madres y los niños, abordando la salud mental y el trauma, y ​​mejorando la educación.

Lea la investigación

Próximamente se publicarán nuevas revisiones de investigación para este número. Por favor, vuelva más tarde.

Take action to support our families!

You can help kids and families get help they need for better health and education.

Make your school trauma-sensitive

Half of U.S. children suffer abuse, poverty, and other traumas. Use our free Action Pack to track and support these children in our schools!

Improve healthcare access

The reason for health inequity is often a lack of access to quality care. See the latest efforts to bridge the gap in healthcare access and promote health equity!

Curb mental health stigma

Check out the latest ways to bust the stigma over mental health and get more Latinos and all people the care they need for healthy minds!

Take more action!