#SaludTues Tweetchat 10/20: How to Address Transportation Equity for Latino Communities


How to Address Transportation Equity for Latino Communities
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Latinos face many transportation inequities that impact their ability to build health and wealth.

This is due in part to a lack of diversity among decision makers, planners, and engineers and ethnocentric policies, projects, and investments that reinforce the auto-centric status quo.

Ultimately, past and present planning practices have failed to be inclusive of Latino needs, failed to represent historic and existing inequities, and failed to responsibly evaluate and measure impacts, targets, and performance.

Two new reports from our year-long workgroup of planners and planning scholars provide recommendations to prioritize Latino experiences and needs in the planning process; address inequities and promote racially/economically mixed communities, and modify metrics used to determine impacts, establish targets, measure performance, and score and prioritize projects.

How to Address Transportation Equity for Latino CommunitiesLet’s use #SaludTues on October 20, 2020 to tweet about how to take a systemic approach to address decades of unjust transportation planning practices that have segregated and isolated Latino and low-income communities.

We’ll open the floor to science, your experiences and stories, and best practices as we explore:

  • How an ethnocentric approach to planning affected Latino communities;
  • How to ensure policies and projects are inclusive of Latino needs and representative of existing inequities; and
  • How planners, decision makers, scholars and advocates can responsibly evaluate/measure impacts, targets, and performance.

Use #SaludTues to follow the conversation and share the latest in how transportation is connected to health.

#SaludTues is a weekly Tweetchat about Latino health at 12p CST/1p ET every Tuesday and hosted by @SaludAmerica, the Latino health social media campaign for the team at the Institute for Health Promotion Research (IHPR) at The University of Texas Health, San Antonio.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos rely on public transit (compared to 14% of whites).

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