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About 40% of Latinas have two or more risk factors for having a heart attack, according to a recent study.
But fewer than half of Latinas recognize the typical heart attack symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath, and pain that spreads to the shoulders, neck or arms, according to the American Heart Association.
So the Haga La Llamada, ¡No Pierda Tiempo! campaign, based on the HHS Office of Women’s Health’s successful “Make the Call, Don’t Miss a Beat” campaign, aims to educate, engage and empower Latinas and their families to learn the seven most common symptoms of a heart attack and encourage them to call 9-1-1 as soon as they experience one or more of the following heart attack symptoms:
- Chest pain, discomfort, pressure or squeezing
- Shortness of breath
- Nausea
- Light-headedness or sudden dizziness
- Unusual upper body pain, or discomfort in one or both arms, back, shoulder, neck, jaw, or upper part of the stomach
- Unusual fatigue
- Breaking out in a cold sweat
You’re also invited to join @HHSLatino for a bilingual Twitter Chat on Latino heart health at 2 p.m. EST Thursday, Feb. 28. Use #CorazonChat to follow the conversation and submit questions ahead of time. The chat also involves @WomensHealth, @SaludDLaMujer, @American_Heart, @MinorityHealth, @US_FDA, and @FDAenEspanol.
Find other resources in Spanish that contain the seven symptoms here or here.
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