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Cliff Despres

Cliff Despres, who has more than a decade of experience in journalism and public relations, is communications director for Salud America! and its home base, the Institute for Health Promotion Research at UT Health San Antonio.

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Articles by Cliff Despres

¡Done Muestras Biológicas Hoy para Mejorar los Resultados de Salud de los Latinos!

¿Alguna vez ha querido ayudar a mejorar la salud de los latinos? ¡Ahora es su oportunidad! El Programa Científico All of Us de los National Institutes of Health está reclutando por lo menos a un millón de personas de diversas nacionalidades, para compartir información sobre su historia de salud y de su medio ambiente. La información recogida para la base de datos ayuda a los investigadores a aprender cómo la genética, el estilo de vida y nuestro medio ambiente afectan nuestra salud. Como parte del esfuerzo, los participantes donan muestras biológicas en la forma de una muestra de sangre o de saliva. Las muestras biológicas pueden ayudar a los investigadores a encontrar nuevas formas de prevenir, diagnosticar o tratar enfermedades, como el Alzheimer o el cáncer, ...

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Watch Webinar: Why Should I Think about Joining a Clinical Trial?

Clinical trials can have big benefits. They help researchers learn more to help slow, manage, and treat Alzheimer’s and cancer for ourselves and our abuelos, moms, dads, and others we love. So then why don't many Latinos join? To address this issue, you’re invited to join our Zoom webinar — Why Should I Think about Joining a Clinical Trial? — at 6 p.m. CT on Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2022. Webinar speakers Dr. Adolfo Diaz Duque of UT Health San Antonio and Dr. Bárbara Segarra-Vázquez of the University of Puerto Rico will help health care professionals and the Latino public understand clinical trial processes, explore trials as treatment options, and share testimonials of real Latinos who have benefited from trials. Panelists will also cover the barriers that prevent ...

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Vea el Seminario Web (Webinar): ¿Por Qué Debería Pensar en Participar en un Estudio Clínico?

Estudio Clínico

Los estudios clínicos pueden tener grandes beneficios. Ayudan a los investigadores a aprender más para ayudar a demorar, controlar y tratar el Alzheimer y el cáncer, para nosotros y nuestros abuelos, madres, padres y otras personas que amamos. Entonces, ¿por qué no muchos latinos participan en los estudios clínicos? Para abordar este problema, le invitamos a ver nuestro seminario web (Webinar) vía Zoom: ¿Por qué debería pensar en participar en un estudio clínico?  — a las 6 p.m. CT el miércoles 17 de agosto de 2022. Los panelistas del seminario web, el Dr. Adolfo Díaz Duque de UT Health San Antonio y la Dra. Bárbara Segarra-Vázquez de la Universidad de Puerto Rico ayudarán a los profesionales de salud y al público latino a entender los procesos de los ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat 8/2: Get Your Vaccines!

get your vaccines covid-19 child mask shot

COVID-19. Flu. Hepatitis. Measles. Mumps. Polio. We face many health threats in life, but we have an important tool – vaccines – to protect ourselves against these and other serious diseases. Who should get vaccines? For which diseases? And when? And why do some groups, like Latinos, face vaccine barriers in access and uptake? Let’s use #SaludTues on Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2022, to explore the availability of vaccines and how we can promote equitable access to and uptake among Latinos and other people of color, in celebration of National Immunization Awareness Month in August.  WHAT: #SaludTues: Get Your Vaccines! TIME/DATE: 1-2 p.m. EST (Noon-1 p.m. CST), Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2022 WHERE: On Twitter with hashtag #SaludTues HOST: @SaludAmerica CO-HOSTS: U.S. Dept. of ...

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Go into Bars, Clubs to Enroll Smokers in Quit-Smoking Services?!

Direct outreach in bars and clubs for quit smoking service 2

In the bar or club, it's easy to find people smoking and drinking. What would happen if health workers walked into these venues to ask cigarette smokers — face to face — to join a quit-smoking service on their phone? To find out, UT Health San Antonio researchers and an ad agency trained "street teams" to go into bars and clubs in San Antonio, Texas, to talk to patrons about joining Quitxt, a bilingual service that uses text messages to help young Latino adults quit smoking. Street teams talked with 3,923 people and enrolled 335 to Quitxt over 10 days in March 2020 before the COVID-19 pandemic halted work, according to a new study in the journal JMIR Formative Research. "Direct outreach in bars and clubs is a useful method for connecting young adult cigarette smokers with ...

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Finding a Clinical Trial Just Got Easier!

clinical trial search

Clinical trials are responsible for many of today’s life-saving procedures and treatments. But finding and enrolling in clinical trials can be difficult process, especially for Latinos who may experience language barriers or lack of information. In response to these challenges, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) recently updated their search engine to better help patients find and enroll in an NHBLI-sponsored clinical trial. Available in Spanish, interested participants can now browse for clinical trials by age group, condition, and location. The search engine also includes an overview of how clinical trials work, who can participate, and benefits, risks, and safety measures of trials. Diseases and conditions studied in NHBLI-sponsored clinical trials ...

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You Can Donate Biospecimens for Research to Fight Cancer, Alzheimer’s!

You Can Donate Biospecimens for Research to Fight Cancer, Alzheimer's!

Ever heard of donating biospecimens for research? When a person donates biospecimens—blood, fluid, or tissue samples—it gives researchers the opportunity to better understand, treat, and prevent medical conditions from cancer to Alzheimer's. Biospecimens are especially needed from Latinos, who suffer health disparities. "Latinos who donate biospecimens are heroes. Their contributions enable researchers to make medical discoveries and build new therapies to help millions of Latinos across the nation," said Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, leader of the Salud America! Latino health equity program at the Institute for Health Promotion Research in the Department of Population Health Sciences at UT Health San Antonio. What are Biospecimens? Biospecimens are materials from the human ...

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¡Usted Puede Donar Muestras Biológicas para Investigación a Fin de Combatir el Cáncer y el Alzheimer!

Donar Muestras Biológicas cancer alzheimers research

Cuando una persona dona muestras biológicas o biospecímenes—sangre, líquido, o muestras de tejido—le da a los investigadores la oportunidad de entender, tratar y prevenir de una mejor manera, condiciones médicas desde el cáncer hasta el Alzheimer. Se necesitan de manera especial muestras biológicas de latinos, quienes sufren disparidades de salud. “Los latinos que donan muestras biológicas son héroes. Sus contribuciones permiten a los investigadores hacer descubrimientos médicos y crear terapias nuevas para ayudar a millones de latinos en todo el país”, dijo la Dra. Amelie G. Ramirez, líder de Salud America! programa latino de equidad en salud del Institute for Health Promotion Research en el Department of Population Health Sciences, de UT Health San ...

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Webinar: A New Vision for Reaching Latinos for Systemic and Behavioral Change

Amelie Ramirez of UT Health San Antonio health equity Systemic and Behavioral Change

Latinos are expected to comprise well over 25% of the U.S. population by 2050. But they face health disparities in eye health, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and more, endangering the future health of the nation. Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, director of Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio, will explore the causes of these disparities in a virtual presentation, "A New Vision for Reaching Latinos for Systemic and Behavioral Change," at 2:45 p.m. ET, July 14, 2022, at the 11th Annual Focus on Eye Health National Summit led by Prevent Blindness. The overall event, which is free, is set for July 13-14, 2022. "Our efforts must address structural inequities — from a lack of healthcare access to unaffordable housing to experiences of discrimination to a lack of diversity among health care ...

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