Battling Obesity in America


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The problem of obesity in America is a subject of a new CBS Evening News series, “Where America Stands,” which looks at problems the nation faces as it enters a new decade.

The report tells about the challenges of obesity — two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years — and features tips and potential solutions.

A Latino family is highlighted in CBS’ coverage.

In Baldwin Park, Calif., which has six fast-food restaurants for every one that sells fresh produce, Connie Gonzalez and her mother Maria volunteer with the program Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities, which pushed for a ban on new drive-thru restaurants.

Connie Gonzalez helped convince the school board to make salad bars a staple, and 100-minutes of weekly physical-education is mandatory. With all this, in five years, 135 kids here are no longer overweight.

Watch CBS coverage of obesity here:

Watch a CBS video on tips to reduce childhood obesity here:

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)

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