Bike Alliance of Minnesota Teaches Kids Walking and Biking Safety


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The Bike Club at Brooklyn Center Secondary in Minneapolis, Minnesota (10.5% Latino) started in the Summer of 2014 during LEAP Program and transitioned into a two day a week program during the following school year to fix brakes, replace rusty chains, and align frames, with funding from a 21st Century Community Learning Center grant and Hennepin County Statewide Health Improvement Program.

Brooklyn Center Secondary also began providing Bike Alliance of Minnesota Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum, which is free for educators and schools to download and use.

Walk! Bike! Fun! is a comprehensive curriculum developed by the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota through a federal Safe Routes to School grant provided by the Minnesota Department of Transportation and in collaboration with the Center for Prevention at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota that teaches safe traffic behavior through classroom activities and on-the-bike skills practice. The goals of the extensive lesson plans teach skills to children to walk and bicycle safely — building confidence and helping them stay safe, active, and healthy.

In April 2016, Brooklyn Center Secondary hosted their second free Walk! Bike! Fun! Curriculum Training for educators, health teachers, and physical education teachers to receive CEUs.

Providing students with walking and biking safety as well as training educators in the curriculum could have a drastic impact on student’s physical activity levels in and out of school, which could reduce their risk for obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.

Brooklyn Center Secondary Bike Club – IT’S BIGGER THAN JUST A CLUB, IT’S A LIFESTYLE!

Learn more about Walk! Bike! Fun! here.

Copy and share: It’s bigger than just a club, it’s a lifestyle.  #Biking at Brooklyn Center Secondary. @SaludToday @BikeMN


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