Boise Child Care Centers to get a Healthy Makeover


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Boise, Idaho has a growing Latino population, and many Latino families send their young kids to child care centers after school. Recently, child care centers in Boise received a low standards ranking compared to all other child care centers in Idaho, and lawmakers in the area want to make some changes.

The Boise City Council voted in late April 2014 to draft a law that would encourage child care centers throughout the city to set standards for physical activity and nutrition, limit the time kids spend in front of a TV or computer screen and set aside private areas where mothers can breastfeed their babies.

The ordinance will also include changes to child-to-worker ratios and training improvements (to include CPR/First Aid) for all workers.

A new website would be created for parents to monitor which child care centers were following the new standards and which weren’t.

Check out a PowerPoint that outlines all the proposed changes to child care the city hopes to make.

Read more about the bill in the news. 

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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