Report: Texas Latino Children Face Struggles with Food Insecurity, Health Insurance, Economic Opportunity

latino parents health concern

Not all children in Texas have equal access to healthy food and quality healthcare, and stable economic security. Latino children and other children of color face disparities in these areas due to historic systemic racism. The details of these disparities are covered in a new report, “Texas KIDS COUNT: Health Equity for Every Texas Child,” led by nonprofit group Every Texan with support and funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas. The report explores three key areas ─ food insecurity, health insurance, and economic opportunity ─ and what public policy can address inequities so all Texas children can live healthier lives. The ‘Texas KIDS Count’ Report on Food Insecurity Food insecurity is prevalent in the United ...

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New Survey: Latino Families Worried about Education, Economic Security, Racial Justice Post-COVID-19

Abriendo Puertas Survey about covid-19 coronavirus recovery

Latino parents are concerned about education for their children, their economic security, and racial justice when emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new data from a report conducted by Latino Decisions and Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors. Parents also want government leaders to address these issues, the survey says. “The future of our country is inextricably linked to the wellbeing of Latino families. If we don’t act now, America will face a deeper economic depression, workforce instability, and soaring school drop-out rates,” according to the policy report. The report highlights the areas of concern and recommends policies that can address these issues. About the Survey to Gauge Latino Parents’ Concerns amid COVID-19 Before COVID-19, many Latino families ...

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School Meals Play Big Role in Health of American Children, Especially Latinos

School meals are important contributors to the healthy diets of our nation’s children. This is especially true for children in food insecure homes, almost half of whom are Latino, according to 14 papers published in a special issue​ of the journal ​Nutrients. The papers make important links between school meals and food security, obesity, and racial/ethnic disparities. "These new papers go even deeper in exploring how national policies [including the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act] have affected children and schools,” said Dr. Mary Story of Healthy Eating Research, which commissioned the new papers. “As Congressional leaders look to reauthorize the bill this year, it’s critical that these standards are kept in place.” Update 4/8/21: Jamie Bussel of the Robert Wood ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat 3/9: The Surprising Role of School Meals in Advancing Health Equity for Students

school food cafeteria lunch line students

For parents who don’t have access to enough food to feed their families, school breakfast and lunch are the only meals their children get in a day. This is the situation facing many Latino and black households, who suffer high rates of food insecurity. During COVID-19, USDA made school meals free for all students. This underlines the need for school lunch and breakfast to be as nutritious as possible, to ensure the health of all children, equitably. Let’s use #SaludTues on March 9, 2021, to tweet about how school meals set a strong foundation for health equity for Latino and all students, especially for National Nutrition Month in March and in advance of International School Meals Day on March 11! WHERE: Twitter WHAT: #SaludTues Tweetchat “The Surprising Role of ...

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The Future is Gloomy for Many Latino Students in Arizona and Beyond

Future Gloomy Latino Students Arizona

Among the many inequities impacting young Latinos in Arizona, wide gaps in education not only affect those students now but could harm their future. A recent report from Arizona for Latino Leaders in Education (ALL in Education) shows that Latino students are facing significant disparities, despite the fact that they make up nearly 50% of the state’s student population. The data should be a catalyst for change, according to Stephanie Parra, the executive director of ALL in Education. “The data doesn't lie, the fact of the matter is Latino students are following behind and they have been for two decades,” Parra said. “More affluent communities are able to raise dollars and provide additional programming, retain quality educators, all of those things help our students ...

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Comment Now: USDA Wants to Weaken School Food Nutrition Standards Again

Once again, the Trump administration is going after school nutrition guidelines. A USDA proposal brought forth on Nov. 25, 2020, would allow flavored, low-fat milk, cut whole grain-rich servings in half, and ease restrictions on sodium to enable nutrition directors more time to meet sodium reduction targets. This isn’t the first time the administration has tried to weaken school food nutrition. Just a few months ago, the U.S. Agriculture Department sought to ease restrictions on sodium and whole-grain requirements in school meals, but a federal district judge struck it down due to violations of regulatory law, according to The New York Times. The proposed rule is open for public comment until Dec. 28, 2020. Leave a comment to speak up for school food nutrition! Comment ...

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Latino Students Fall Behind in Math, Reading Due to COVID-19 School Closures

When schools closed down and switched to online learning at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, some students began falling behind in class. The students most affected? Latino and Black children. Several studies measured testing scores in math and reading for elementary school students in Fall 2020 compared to Fall 2019. A report by the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) found that while some students are improving, Latino and Black students are falling behind their white peers. “While a majority of students did better than expected in reading — scoring at levels similar to typical nonpandemic years — this wasn’t true for Black and Hispanic students and those who attend high-poverty schools,” according to NBC News. The trend is concerning as it highlights the ...

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New Equity in Education Initiative Seeks to Build Opportunities for Black and Latino Students

North Carolina A&T State University and Walmart have partnered together to launch the Equity in Education Initiative, a new program focused on giving educational opportunities to Black and Latino students. The program, launching in early 2021, will support undergraduate students of color and provide resources in disciplines such as business and engineering, which are often predominately white. Walmart partnered with North Carolina A&T State, the largest historically Black university, to work on eliminating the traditional barriers to career opportunities. “The Equity in Education Initiative is not only an important step in advancing Walmart’s focus on eliminating barriers to opportunity, it also lays foundational building blocks with a diverse pool of talent who we ...

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Apply Now: Éxito! Latino Cancer Research Training and Internships!


Apply now for the 2021 Éxito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training program and optional $3,250 internships from the Institute for health Promotion Research (IHPR) at UT Health San Antonio! Each year, Éxito! recruits 25 U.S. master’s level students and professionals to participate in a five-day, culturally tailored Éxito! summer institute to promote pursuit of a doctoral degree and cancer research. COVID-19 postponed the 2020 Éxito! program. Now applications for 2021 are open with limited spots available. At the next Éxito! summer institute, set for June 7 -11, 2021, in San Antonio, participants will interact with Latino researchers, mentors, and doctoral experts. They will learn about Latino cancer, succeeding in a doctoral program, and the diversity of careers ...

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