Brain health is important – but we often overlook it. The World Health Organization defines brain health as the “state of brain functioning across cognitive, sensory, social-emotional, behavioural and motor domains, allowing a person to realize their full potential over the life course.” While we can take action to maintain our brain health and mental health, conditions such as brain tumors and dementia can affect the brain and disrupt our lives. As part of Brain Cancer Awareness Month in May, let’s use #SaludTues on May 14, 2024, to explore how to maintain brain health and find out what we should know about brain tumors, dementia, and mental health, especially among the Latino population. WHERE: Twitter
WHAT: #SaludTues Tweetchat “Why Is Brain Health So ...
Over 3.5 million children participated in early childhood programs as of 2020. Preschool and other early childhood education programs can greatly benefit children, especially Latino children. In fact, studies have shown that low-income Latino kids who attended early education programs at age 4 attain stronger academic skills. Let’s use #SaludTues on July 11, 2023, to explore early childhood education and how we can equitably ensure that its many benefits reach Latino children. WHAT: #SaludTues: How Do Latino Children Benefit from Preschool?
TIME/DATE: 1-2 p.m. EST (Noon-1 p.m. CST), Tuesday, July 11, 2023.
WHERE: On Twitter with hashtag #SaludTues
HOST: Salud America! at UT Health San Antonio (@SaludAmerica)
CO-HOSTS: Public Health ...
Latinos face a variety of inequities that contribute to poor health, including disproportionate rates of police brutality, homelessness, and financial hardship. These inequities are rooted in racially biased systems and structures that foster the unequal treatment of Latinos and other people of color. News institutions play a powerful role in shaping conversations around racial/ethnic equity, but representation of Latinos in news coverage on this topic is disproportionately low. Let’s use #SaludTues on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, to discuss the underrepresentation of Latinos in racial/ethnic equity news coverage and how to best showcase contributions, challenges, and needs of Latino communities among policymakers, racial equity advocates, and the general public. WHAT: ...
Despite overall declines in ad spending and TV ad exposure since 2017, high-calorie, low-nutrient products, including candy, sugary drinks, snacks, and fast food, continue to be disproportionately advertised to Black and Latino consumers. US food companies are responsible for this ethnically targeted marketing, which worsens disparities in diet-related diseases, including heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Let’s use #SaludTues on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022, to discuss the implications of ethnically targeted food and beverage marketing and how to hold companies accountable. WHAT: #SaludTues Tweetchat: Food Marketing Companies Add More to Black and Latinos’ Plates
TIME/DATE: 1-2 p.m. ET (Noon-1 p.m. CT), Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2022
WHERE: On Twitter with hashtag #SaludTues
The Latino population has grown to represent 18.9% of the nation’s population. This rise, however, means that more Latinos will experience Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Studies have shown that physical activity can impact older Latinos and their brain health. Let’s use #SaludTues on Nov. 1, 2022, to dive into brain health in older Latinos and how different types of physical activity can benefit and prevent dementia! WHAT: #SaludTues: How Can Physical Activity Benefit Brain Health for Older Latinos
TIME/DATE: 1-2 p.m. EST (Noon-1 p.m. CST), Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022
WHERE: On Twitter with hashtag #SaludTues
HOST: @SaludAmerica
CO-HOSTS: Us Against Alzheimer (@UsAgainstAlz); Susie Aguiñaga, Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Community Health ...
Latinos workers are essential to the economy. Although, some have worked throughout the pandemic, others are now facing unemployment. At the same time, many will soon be returning to work. Many Latinos hold jobs at meat packing plants, childcare, health care and other positions on the frontlines (i.e. restaurants, retail, etc.). Only 16% of Latino workers are able to work from home, so what does this mean for Latinos and their loved ones? What can we do to advocate for their safety? Let’s use #SaludTues on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, to discuss ways to provide support and promote a healthy environment for Latino workers and their loved ones amid the COVID-19 pandemic, this National Safety Awareness Month! WHAT: #SaludTues Tweetchat: Latinos and Workplace Safety Amid ...
At least 1 in 3 U.S. Latino households has at least one family caregiver. This number will continue to grow as many Latinos face higher than average risks for chronic disease, such as Alzheimer's, diabetes, and certain cancers. Although caregivers play an essential role in many families, they also face a great deal of stress, having to juggle multiple jobs while going unpaid for their time spent caring for a loved one. Of even greater concern is that caregivers often experience worse health outcomes than the person they're caring for. So what can we do to advocate for caregivers and their loved ones? Let’s use #SaludTues on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, to discuss ways to provide support and promote a healthy environment for Latino caregivers and their loved ones amid the ...
The coronavirus outbreak has sickened many and continues to spread around the world. The World Health Organization on March 11th, 2020 declared the novel coronavirus outbreak a pandemic.
The virus is spreading rapidly and according WHO all countries should focus on containment and spread the precautionary information among public.
Let’s use #SaludTues on March 24, 2020, to tweetchat about ways to prevent the spread of Coronavirus! WHAT: #SaludTues Tweetchat: “What You Should Know about Coronavirus Infection!”
TIME/DATE: 1-2 p.m. EST Tuesday, Mar, 24, 2020
WHERE: On Twitter with hashtag #SaludTues
HOST: @SaludAmerica
Public Health Maps @PublicHealthMap, Everyday Health @EverydayHealth Communicate for Health Justice @_CFHJ COVID-19 ...
October is Liver Awareness Month! Liver cancer is continuously on the rise, especially among Latinos. In South Texas specifically, Latinos have the highest rate in the nation. When it comes to hepatitis C, the number of U.S. Latinos with hepatitis C (2.6%) is higher than the number of overall people with hepatitis C (1.3%). Hepatitis C disease progression has also shown to be faster in Latinos than in Whites. Furthermore, the most common risk factor for liver cancer is long-term infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. These infections can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and are directly responsible for making liver cancer the most common cancer in many parts of the world. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, otherwise known as NASH, is another ...