Flexibility with Safe Routes to School Funds in California


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According to this October 2012 article, from Safe Routes to School in California, a new law (AB 1915) will help improve infrastructure and programs to increase pedestrian and bicyclist safety in underserved areas of California.

(Source: Safe Routes to School California)

The state policy introduced by Sen. Luis Alejo (D- California) allocates up to 10% of Safe Routes to School program funds towards infrastructure improvements, for school bus stops outside the vicinity of school.

The bill serves as an act to amend Section 2333.5 of the Streets and Highways Code, for the state of California relating to transportation, and allows for more flexibility in how funds are spent.

The article also cites the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health finding, that children in rural areas had a greater chance (42%) of being overweight or obese when compared to children in urban areas (30%).

Read the full text to AB 1915 here.


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