Whole Foods Planned in Underserved Chicago Area


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The city of Chicago has made strides in that last five years to bring more fresh food into the city’s food deserts, which are predominately Hispanic and Black neighborhoods. Since 2010, when Mayor Rahm Emanuel adopted the issue during his campaign, big retailers such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Walgreen Co. have made well-publicized commitments to build stores in underserved neighborhoods in Chicago and other urban centers. Now, upscale health food retailer Whole Foods wants a shot.

Co-CEO John Mackey, speaking at the Economic Club of Chicago, says Whole Foods is creating a foundation, Whole Cities, to open subsidized stores in Chicago neighborhoods that lack access to fresh food as soon as this year. Other cities in Whole Foods’ pilot tests are New Orleans and Newark, N.J.

The new Whole Foods now has an official location. Read more about it and watch a news video!

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