GAVA Brings Parks, Healthy Food & Play to the Community of Dove Springs In Austin, TX


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Members of the Go! Austin/Vamos! Austin (GAVA) grassroots initiative are making a difference for families living in Austin’s Dove Springs community—a predominantly Latino  area of southeast Austin with historically high childhood obesity rates. In just two years, the group has managed to bring healthy changes to local parks, corner stores, grocery stores and schools.

Some of the group’s accomplishments include getting:

  • A New multi-age playscape;
  • Park improvements;
  • An open gym pilot program;
  • A zumba program; and
  • Healthier options at corner stores

Read more about this change here.

See a presentation with information from one of GAVA’s public health committee meeting here.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos live within walking distance (<1 mile) of a park

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