Greensboro Neighborhood Moves Ahead with Plan for Grocery Co-op


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Source: Renaissance Community Cooperative

In Greensboro, North Carolina 33% of residents live in a USDA-declared “food desert”, a low-income area that is more than a mile from a grocery store. For folks who live here, eating healthy is a daily struggle, with no fresh produce easily available.

District 2 City Council member Jamal Fox represents folks who live in the food desert. He and the Renaissance Community Cooperative are working on a proposal to bring a grocery store into the neighborhood.

Community meetings are on-going to figure out exactly how to bring healthier food into this community.

Read more here.

RCC coop


The Renaissance Community Cooperative is set to open in 2015. Besides providing affordable fresh fruits and vegetables for residents in this food desert area, the co-op will provide living wages for employees—wages start at $10/hour.

Read more here, and watch the coop’s inspirational promotional video.

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