How I Walk: A Campaign to Rebrand the Word Walking


Latino health disability inclusive
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Walking is critical for accessibility. One-third of all American are not able to drive, either because they are too old, too young, too poor, or have some form of disability.

People with disabilities are the only minority group you don’t have to be born into. Meaning, at any time, any one of us could become part of this group due to injury or illness.

The National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) was founded in 1999 as a resource center on health promotion for people with disability. They launched a campaign in 2015 to rebrand the word walking.

Walking is particularly important for the elderly, people with disability, and lower-income people who have fewer opportunities to participate in sports of formal exercise programs. 

The How I Walk campaign aims to promote walking as an inclusive physical activity term by asking you to do three things:

  1. Influence perspective on walking  by encouraging a transformation in individual and societal attitudes about people with disability.
  2. Spur health promotion providers and walking advocates to adopt the rebrand walking mentality to promote inclusion in all walking initiatives.
  3. Encourage consumers to become self-advocates by sharing their mode of walking through social media activation.

Check out #HowIWalk graphics, videos, and talking points.

Download the #HowIWalk free toolkit.

Spread the word using these social media posts below.

  • Incomplete streets impede livability. #HowIWalk #activespaces
  • Walking is critical for accessibility. #HowIWalk #walkability #SaludAmerica
  • Being healthy and having a disability is not an oxymoron. #HowIWalk #SaludAmerica
  • Some use two legs, some use two wheels. Make walking an inclusive term! #HowIWalk
  • Walking is a human right. We must demand safe & accessibility streets. Join @NCHPAD’s #HowIWalk movement.
  • True inclusion happens when policies that support walking also support wheeling, rolling, & pushing. #HowIWalk


By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos live within walking distance (<1 mile) of a park

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