Improving Food Labeling


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Nutrition labels on the foods we eat are the best way to learn exactly what’s in our favorite snacks. Some labels, however, can be confusing, unclear, and even misleading. A handful of elected officials in Washington, DC want to change that.

In September 2013, the “Food Labeling Modernization Act of 2013,” was introduced. According to the press release, the Food Labeling Modernization Act looks at food labeling reform in a comprehensive manner, addressing front-of-package labeling, misleading health claims, and requiring updates to the Nutrition Facts Panel and the ingredient list.

When consumers are able to have all the information presented in an easy-to-read manor, they can make a better informed decision about what they eat.

Read more about the act here!

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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