Lawmakers Propose Incentives As A Way to Increase Physical Activity Through the ‘PHIT Act’


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How can we work to prevent obesity & chronic disease among Latinos before it happens?

We need a culture of health and fitness and with that comes the need to find policies and community oriented solutions that serve to provide Latinos with more opportunities and fewer barriers to physical activity.

One plan to get more Americans moving, which was recently proposed by Congress is the “PHIT ACT.”

According to, the bill’s aim is to provide an incentive for being fit and healthy and to reduce health care costs.

According to the bill, a $1 investment in physical activity would reduce medical expenses by $3.20 and because the most expensive illnesses are often related to weight related issues, investing in health before one gets sick may be a viable solution for improving health and reducing health care costs.

The bill’s purpose is three-fold:

1) to encourage healthy lifestyles;
2) to provide financial incentives to ease the financial burden of engaging in healthy behavior; and
3) to increase the ability of individuals and families to participate in physical fitness activities.

Learn more about this here. Read the PHIT Act here.

To learn more about the importance of providing Latino children with opportunities for high quality physical education and physical activity, check out Salud America!’s Active Play resources here.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos live within walking distance (<1 mile) of a park

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