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A new report, The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America, shows the rates of adult obesity among Latinos exceeded 35 percent in five states and 30 percent in 23 states. Top three states with highest adult obesity rates overall were reported as Arkansas, West Virginia and Mississippi.
Highest rates of obesity were shown within the Midwest and South states, and show ethnic disparities in low-income Latinos and less-educated Americans. Many studies show Latino children live in areas where there is less access to healthy foods and less safe play areas.
Latinos living in these areas need to be aware of obesity’s rising rates, as the report shows that more than one in ten children become obese as early as ages 2 to 5.
Obesity rates of Latino children ages 2-19 were at the highest rates among all ethnic groups at 22.4%. Slowing the increasing rates of obesity, especially in prevention measures with children is necessary for the future of Americans.
Also noted was the fact that rates of obesity have not decreased in any states, only staying the same or rising, showing the need for measures to be taken for health for all Americans.
The report stated that healthier foods and safe places for physical activity for all Americans are high-priority recommendations. Suggestions for healthy food financing, nutrition and activity in schools, built environment measures, and limited marketing of unhealthy foods to kids were also recommended.
The report was conducted in collaboration between, Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF).
To learn more about helping to take action against rising rates of Latino childhood obesity, click here.
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