Oceano Elementary School Launches a Before School Jogging Program


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Oceano elementary is starting the day off right by getting kids to move before classes even begin.  In order to get kids ready to learn, sixth-grade teacher Jim DeCecco and fellow educators have created a morning jog for students.

According to a news report from The Tribune, the initiative launched in February 2014 just months after the school held their first jog-a-thon fundraiser in October. After the school hosted the jog-a-thon, teachers realized that students really enjoyed running, so they decided to make running part the school’s everyday activities.

Since the school launched the morning jog program, over 200 students from grades K-6 have shown up to participate in the morning activity. Some walk, while others jog or run a lap around the school’s empty parking lot. Watch the video to see kids from Oceano elementary, a predominantly Latino school, in action.

Link to the full story here.

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