Search Results for "water drink"

Teens Rap To Make Healthy Food Go Viral

Ever had a song stuck in your head before? Well if it's Minneapolis youth's "Grow Food" song, it may just help you think more about healthy food. Rapping to encourage people to grow healthy food, teens from Minneapolis with the non-profit Appetite For Change (AFC), have made veggies like broccoli into latest and greatest rap song of 2016, according to Vibe. After working in the summer of 2016 with AFC's Youth Employment & Training Program that also worked with Beats & Rhymes, youth in Northern Minneapolis were inspired to create the "Grow Food" song, which has garnered over 136,138 likes and counting. The catchy song that raps phrases like "pullin' veggies out the garden" and "drinking water living longer, no processed drama", inspires youth to change their unhealthy ...

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Organic Gatorade: Natural but Still Sugar Loaded

In September, Gatorade announced its new line of organic sports drinks. The new beverage is said to have only seven ingredients (water, organic cane sugar, citric acid, organic natural flavors, sea salt, sodium citrate and potassium chloride). Yet, despite its use of organic sugar, it still contains an unhealthy amount of about 20 grams of sugar per 12-ounce bottle. Lindsay Moyer, a senior nutritionist with the Center for Science in Public Interest says, “G Organic is still a sugary drink-essentially, liquid candy-and organic sugar is no healthier than [regular] sugar. For most people the best ‘sports drink’ is water.” The organic label can be misleading to consumers because many think that organic is always healthier. Lisa Cimperman, a clinical dietitian and spokesperson ...

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Preventing Tooth Decay in your Baby

hispanic baby toddler teeth tooth smile

SaludToday Guest Blogger American Academy of Pediatrics Latino children have the highest rates of tooth decay in the U.S., but you can begin early to prevent cavities from ever starting. Baby teeth are important! Yes, they will be replaced later by permanent teeth, but tooth decay, or cavities, is almost completely preventable. The healthy habits you begin with your baby’s first tooth will continue to help as your child grows. What causes tooth decay in babies? Our mouths contain bacteria. The bacteria combine with the foods we eat and beverages we drink to produce acid. That acid harms enamel and damages teeth. How does tooth decay begin? One common way that cavities begin is when food or liquids other than plain water – like milk, formula, juice, and sugar ...

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Will Santa Fe Be Soda Free Next?

Now that as many cities across the nation have voted in favor of reducing sugary beverage consumption with a soda tax policy, other cities are discussing policy options as well, first up, Santa Fe, New Mexico (51.2% Latino). Mayor Javier Gonzales introduced a resolution on November 10th 2016, for the city staff to find "active ways" of reducing the sugar for many of the residents of Santa Fe. Gonzales proposed a 2 cent-per-ounce tax would he hopes would help the city to provide more jobs and  bring in over 10 million dollars to help fund Pre-K for all children ages three to four. Many communities are educating consumers about the dangers of sugary beverages, which are linked to diabetes, heart disease, tooth decay, obesity and more, but few have stood up to the millions of dollars ...

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Healthy Kingsport Initiative Keeps Kids Healthy & Hydrated

TimeNews  recently reported about how water bottles, hydrations stations, morning miles and a new playground are all a part of a bigger movement to get kids healthy in Sullivan County, Tenn where over 72.9% of adults are overweight or obese. A new campaign that works with the schools is taking root and helping to bring clean and easily accessible hydration stations for students to drink more water. called the Live Sugar Freed campaign is a local health and community leader effort to combat the high rates of type 2 diabetes and obesity in the Tri-Cities regions. The campaign is all about water over sugary beverages, 17, 200 bottles 37 water bottle refilling stations. The campaign, called the Live Sugar Freed campaign, is a local health and community leader effort to combat the ...

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Cook County Soda Tax Talks Bubble Up

Soda tax discussion in Cook County, Ill. (28.9 % Latino) started to bubble up as Board President of the county, Toni Preckwinkle discussed a proposal for a penny-per-ounce tax to help balance the budget. As the city is fighting debts in the budget, the tax would be applied to help raise an estimated $74.6 million to help fill a $174 million gap, explains, The Chicago Tribune. The American Beverage Association continues to fight against soda taxes in Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Boulder and has already started running TV and radio ads against the tax in Cook, calling it a "grocery tax" as mentioned in other arguments. Other organizations like the, No Cook County Beverage Tax Coalition, also bringing attention to the tax do not to mention anything about how the tax is solely on ...

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Combo Kids Meals Pose Health Risks for Kids

Combo meals at fast food joints are usually not a healthy option, often including a sugary beverage, one or two fried sides, and a high-calorie, low nutrient main entree, but recent studies now suggest that excluding sodas from kids meal may make the healthier the choice the easier choice for kids and parents on the go. According to research published recently in the American Journal of Public Health online, kids meals that include a sugary beverage as part of the meal, add up to 82 more calories on average for each kids meal.  Also, parents who buy kids meals where the price includes a beverage usually opt to choose a high-calorie, sugar-sweetened beverage rather than a sugar-free drink or no beverage. Researchers suggest from the findings that restaurants should ungroup sodas ...

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Join the “Less Soda” Challenge!

hand holding soda can pouring a crazy amount of sugar in metaphor of sugar content of a refresh drink

Why do sodas and other sugary drinks like sweetened coffees, teas, and energy drinks make us more thirsty and want more? We need hydration and water is they key to healthy hydration. Drinking more water and less sugary beverages can help our bodies in numerous ways shows various studies. So now what should we do? How can we fight the urge to sip on our favorite sweet drink? Join the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and FoodStand as they challenge you to drink "Less Soda". The Foodstand app is free to download and you can get great tips, shopping lists, recipes and more to help you kick the can or the sweet beverage of your choice! Foodstand also helps people build healthier eating habits through community-powered challenges primarily focused on eating less ...

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Big Soda Sues Philly & Takes a Step Back for Health

Being the first major United States City to pass a soda tax, Philadelphia (14% Latino) now faces a legal battle with the American Beverage Association (ABA). For Latino kids, who's consumption of sugary drink is often higher than their white peers, this is a step back for the future of their health. In fact, Latino kids are often targeted by media to drink more sugary beverages and junk food, leading them to consume unhealthy food and drink which often lead them toward diet-related health risks like heart disease, high blood sugar, and or diabetes. Millions of dollars have already been spent on opposition from ABA to keep the soda tax measure from passing, but now ABA hopes to keep the tax from being implemented before it's projected start date in January 2017. Mayor Jim ...

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