Healthy Kingsport Initiative Keeps Kids Healthy & Hydrated


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TimeNews  recently reported about how water bottles, hydrations stations, morning miles and a new playground are all a part of a bigger movement to get kids healthy in Sullivan County, Tenn where over 72.9% of adults are overweight or obese.

A new campaign that works with the schools is taking root and helping to bring clean and easily accessible hydration stations for students to drink more water. called the Live Sugar Freed campaign is a local health and community leader effort to combat the high rates of type 2 diabetes and obesity in the Tri-Cities regions. The campaign is all about water over sugary beverages, 17, 200 bottles 37 water bottle refilling stations.

The campaign, called the Live Sugar Freed campaign, is a local health and community leader effort to combat the high rates of type 2 diabetes and obesity in the Tri-Cities regions. The campaign works in schools to encourage students to choose water over all sugary beverages  and will help to bring over 17, 100 free water bottles to schools along with 37 water bottle refilling stations or “hydration stations”.

“One of the things were trying to accomplish with this is to help kids live a healthier lifestyle” Jim Perkins, Director of Wellmont Diabetes Treatment Centers, told local news, “And here in Tennesse we see a lot of diabetes we are the 5th largest population for type 2 diabetes in the country.”

The campaign is successfully moving forward in three phases, with the first part of the campaign having over 13 million impressions through social media efforts, the second phase connecting with local organizations and giving free water bottle delivery for three months and the final phase is currently in action where students in Kingsport and Sullivan county schools will receive their free water bottles and have access to hydration stations within their schools all by October 31st, 2016.

The campaign also plans to continue to use social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with a goal to produce over 100,000 impressions to encourage students to choose water and see the healthy choice as the easy choice!

To learn more about the healthier initiatives happening through Healthy Kingsport visit

To find out more about Live Sugar Freed Campaign visit

By The Numbers By The Numbers



for every Latino neighborhood, compared to 3 for every non-Latino neighborhood

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