Safe Passage Routes Planned for Chicago School Students


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According to this local news report from CBS Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emmanuel is teaming up with parents, school administrators, Child Protective Services (CPS), the Chicago police, and the Department of Streets and Sanitation, to make streets safer for children as they walk to school during the Fall semester of 2013.

In order to develop safe passage routes, officials are working to create a safety plan, which will feature the new routes to be used at the beginning of the school year.

At the end of the 2012-2013 school year forty-nine schools were forced to shut down, due to underperformance, forcing many students to transfer to new schools. As a result, officials are doing all they can make the journey to new schools for children safe and inviting. Close to $8 million will be invested in safe passage routes and 600 workers will be hired at schools receiving students arriving from schools that were shut down.

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