Safe Passing Ordinance for Austin Texas (2009)


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After Governor Perry vetoed state legislation which would have passed a statewide Safe Passing ordinance, in 2009, the city of Austin enacted their own citywide Safe Passing Ordinance to encourage active transportation and to protect vulnerable road users like pedestrians, cyclists, children, and the elderly. The law also protects people on horseback, motorcycles, mopeds, and motor-assisted scooters.

According to BikeTexas, the language of the Austin ordinance contains the same language used for the statewide Safe Passing ordinance. It requires motorists to keep a distance of 3-6 feet from those defined as vulnerable road users (VRU). If a VRU is using a street lane and more than one lane for driving is available, motorists are required to vacate the lane.

Read this letter of support for the Safe Passing ordinance to Robin Stallings, executive director of BikeTexas, from the City of Austin’s Police Department.

Update!–This policy is in the sustainability phase of implementation. For more information read Austin Ramps Up Enforcement of Passing Law.

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