Safe Routes to School Helps Start A Bike and Walk-to-School Program in Austin, TX


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By 2007, a total of 8 elementary & 2 middle schools in Austin had participated in Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs.

Participating schools were given a 2.5 year non-infrastructure grant from the Texas Department of Transportation.

Later in 2011, Zavala elementary, a predominantly Latino urban & low income school, was one of 25 schools to receive a $1,000 mini-grant. The mini-grant allowed students to receive 4 weeks of bicycle training.

With the help of SRTS, Zavala elementary school was able to increase the number of children who rode bikes to school from 6 to 90.

This slideshow presentation provides information on how Safe Routes to School provided children in at Zavala elementary support for biking and walking school bus programs.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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