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Yvette White, a P.E. teacher from Carroll Bell Elementary School in Harlandale Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas, was selected as one of the 21 champions for the Healthy Schools Program of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation.
Champions are selected based on their commitment and passion to motivate and lead students and staff toward a healthier school environment.
According to KENS-TV report, here’s what she did:
Specifically, White helped convince her school to remove unhealthy snacks available to the children and replace them with healthy alternatives. She worked with the food service director to remove some of the unhealthy items that peppered the school cafeteria menu. And she created teaching plans that teachers can use to instruct their students about nutrition and exercise.
Sounds like great work to us!
Learn about other champions here.
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Maternal & Child HealthBy The Numbers
of Latino kids have obesity (compared to 11.7% of white kids)