Sidewalks in Taylor Built with SRTS Funds Expected to Increase the Number of Children Who Walk to School


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According to this article, children in Taylor, Texas near Austin, have safer access to schools since the city was awarded $574,000 in Safe Routes to School infrastructure funds from the Texas Department of Transportation in 2008. The city strategically partnered with Taylor Independent School District to apply for funds to construct a sidewalk that would connect four schools: two elementary schools, one middle school and one high school.

Once construction of the sidewalks are complete, the city anticipates that more children will be walking to school. While some components are funded by the state, federal funding is also available for these programs.

Communities and school districts across Texas, have developed Safe Routes to School plans. Funding for Safe Routes programs exists for Non-Infrastructure Plan Implementation, Non-Infrastructure Statewide Services, and Infrastructure Projects. To learn more about Safe Routes to School in Texas, contact the state coordinator for Safe Routes to School.


By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos live within walking distance (<1 mile) of a park

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