‘State of Latino Arizona’ Lists Health Issues


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SOLA_Cover_Collage2“The State of Latino Arizona” report highlights challenges and issues faced by the Latino community in areas such as economics, education, health, politics and the arts, and it suggests policy implications for the future. The report was led by the Arizona Latino Research Enterprise and Arizona State University (ASU).

More than a dozen ASU faculty, staff and student researchers, as well as writers and researchers from the community, worked on the report over the course of the past year.

Key findings are:

  • The Arizona Latino population is young and mostly of Mexican origin.
  • Latino students struggle to achieve academic success relative to their Anglo and Asian peers, regardless of grade, subject matter or income level.
  • Latinos attained only 13 percent of bachelor’s degrees awarded by the state universities in 2007.
  • Latinos are disproportionately exposed to health hazards and affected by conditions that include diabetes, obesity, heart disease, violence and workplace injury.

The report can be viewed at the ASU Web site.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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