Surgeon General Asks Communities to Start Walking


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In December of 2012, the U.S. Surgeon General announced a call to action for walking.

Walking is an activity that is a feasible and affordable means of physical activity for most individuals. However, for many Latinos access to safe places for walking and recreation remains a challenge.

The CDC is going to produce a Surgeon General’s report that is “a call to action on walking.” This will be accompanied by a national campaign for walking.

“We want to lend the voice of the Office of the Surgeon General to this particular physical activity,” said Dr. Regina Benjamin. “It’s easy to do, anyone can do it and it’s fun.”

America Walks is a national coalition that seeks to mobilize individuals, organizations and businesses to increase walking and walkability in America. By 2020, America Walks hopes that walking will be an activity embraced throughout America. To support a Walkable American read more about the America Walks Vision Statement and sign up for their newsletter.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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