Survey Uncovers New Facts about Latinos and Education


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Survey Uncovers New Facts about Latinos and Education

Educational attainment among U.S. Latinos has undergone rapid change in the last decade. This has been a reflection of the overall growth of the Latino population in the United States. This growth has been especially felt in the nation’s K-12 schools and at colleges and universities.

In the past 10 years, the Latino high school dropout rate has steadily declined while college enrollment has increased. Latinos still trail other racial and ethnic groups in bachelor’s degrees earned, however.

The Pew Research Center has been monitoring trends in Latino education and uncovered several trends. In a 2014 survey, Latinos cited education and the economy as greater concerns above health care and immigration. Economic factors continue to be a barrier for Latinos in obtaining higher education degrees.

According to a 2014 National Journal poll reported that 66% of Latinos who got a job or entered the military after high school cited economic needs for not going on to college compared to 39% of whites.

Pew Research also determined that Latinos are significantly less likely to incur student loan debt than other groups. Currently, about 20% of young Latino families have education loans as opposed to 42% for whites and 40% for African Americans.

Read more about the survey and its findings here.

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