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One Texas legislator hopes to encourage healthy eating and physical activity among students enrolled in after school programming, through the creation of a statewide distinguished afterschool recognition program (DASH).
Legislation for the program was first introduced by Texas state representative Carol Alvarado in February 2015.
If created the proposed program would recognize before and after school care providers with recognition for going the extra mile to ensure that all children are provided with healthy opportunities during the out-of-school setting.
After school care providers would be eligible to apply for yearly recognition if they provide:
- staff member training on the importance of modeling healthy eating and physical activity;
- regular & ongoing nutrition education to students;
- at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity for students in full-day programs (30 min for half-day programs);
- limited screen time (a maximum 2 hours to full day programs, 30 minutes to half-day programs);
- healthy snacks without added sugar;
- no more than 8 ounces of 100% fruit juice or low-fat milk; and
- easy access to clean drinking water at all times.
The recognition program also seeks to encourage all staff to refrain from eating fried foods, foods high in sugar, and sugar-sweetened beverages in front of children.
For out-of-school time programs located within a school, care providers would be encouraged to adhere to the school ’s wellness policy.
If enacted the new recognition program would go into effect September 2015.
Read the text to the proposed policy here.
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