The Bexar County MPO Supports the Development of a Walkable Community


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The Walkable Community Program, an initiative created by the San Antonio-Bexar County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), exists to inform, unite, and support local residents and organizations in improving the walkability of their communities.

Anyone interested in promoting walking or biking activities in their community can contact the MPO to get assistance in starting a walking program in their community.

Every third Wednesday of the month the MPO’s Pedestrian Mobility Advisory Committee (PMAC) meets to develop plans for a safe and accessible network of sidewalks and pedestrian amenities throughout the community. Citizens wishing to participate on this committee are encouraged to attend meetings.


The Walkable Community Program Home Page

Information about the Walkable Community Program Process

Walkable Community Program Application

The Bexar County MPO Pedestrian Mobility Advisory Committee (PMAC)


By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos live within walking distance (<1 mile) of a park

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