The Rainer Valley Community Unites to Build A Healthier Neighborhood by Getting Greenways


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Rainer Valley is one of Seattle’s most diverse neighborhoods. In 2012, residents of this community joined efforts to help make the streets of Seattle more walkable and bikeable by planning for greenways in their neighborhood. Greenways—paths that provide infrastructure to encourage walking and biking in residential neighborhoods—are one way to create healthy streets.

Recently, members of the Rainier Valley Greenways Builds Coalition for Safe Healthy Streets (Rainer Valley Greenways) have begun planning and reaching out to neighbors, to hear what they have to say about street improvements. Members of the coalition mapped out significant places in the community like schools and parks, and drafted a Greenways timeline. To view the map, timeline, and other documents related to the development of the Rainer Valley Greenways Project view the links on this website.

Watch the video below to learn what Rainer Valley residents had to say about greenways.

More information

Rainer Valley: Meetings for Safe Healthy Streets in 98118 Seattle’s Most Diverse Community-The Rainer Valley Greenways Builds Coalition for Safe Healthy Streets (Rainer Valley Greenways), seeks to build a sustainable group of individuals who would identify and advocate for healthy streets.

Rutas Verdes Comunitarias de Rainer Valley- This page provides a short description in Spanish of what greenways are and how they will enable children the opportunity to walk safer streets.

Seattle Neighborhood Greenways is a volunteer coalition representing 19 neighborhoods, that plans to create healthy communities, by bringing healthy and safe streets to Seattle.

Greenways for ALL Communities Project Summary 2012- This project summary provides an overview of the work done by Seattle Neighborhood Greenways during 2012. Goals, objectives, partnerships, maps, and cultural diversity, are among the topics addressed in this document.

The Seattle Bike Justice Project The Seattle Bike Justice Project was created by Adonia Lugo, a student of cultural anthropology and a bike advocate. Lugo who played a role in bringing CicLAvia to the city of Los Angeles now works to promote the idea of bike equity in the city of Seattle. As Adonia investigated bike equity in Seattle she learned of a group the Rainer Valley group.

Urban Adonia– In Adonia’s blog, she describes her experiences as an active bike advocate—who has helped promote awareness of equity in biking. Adonia is the founder of the Seattle Bike Justice Project and has previously worked to connect day laborer cyclists with bike advocates. She was also a part of bringing the first and second CicLAvia event to Los Angeles in 2010 and 2011.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos live within walking distance (<1 mile) of a park

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