Videos: Improving the Health of Vulnerable Populations


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The health of the most vulnerable people in the United States is influenced significantly by factors outside of the health care system, or the social determinants of health.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Vulnerable Populations portfolio supports innovative solutions at that intersection of health and social factors—poverty, education, housing, employment, community environments—to give those at greatest risk their best opportunity to live healthy, productive lives.

RWJF aims to identify, grow, and rigorously test promising programs and approaches that can create fundamental change in the systems and circumstances that affect vulnerable people.

That includes Playworks, which aims to improve the health and well-being of children through safe, meaningful play, and the Green House Project, a radical departure from traditional nursing homes.

Check videos about Playworks and the Green House Project below.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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