Warning Labels for Sugary Drinks in California 2015


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Back to give it another shot, California State Senate Majority Leader Bill Monning introduced Senate Bill 203 that would require a simple warning on the front of containers of soda, sweet teas, sports drinks and energy drinks.johnhop

The label, developed by a national panel of public health experts, would read: STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAFETY WARNING: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.

“Given the rock solid scientific evidence showing the dangers of sugary beverages, the state of California has a responsibility to inform consumers about products proven to be harmful to the public’s health,” said Sen. Monning in a press release from the California Center for Public Health Advocacy. “This bill will give Californians the at-a-glance information they need to make more healthful choices every day.”

A similar bill introduced by Sen. Monning failed to pass in 2014, but public health advocates are hopeful that the awareness raised and momentum created will help bring this year’s bill to victory.


In late April 2015, the warning label bill died in the California Senate Health Committee, with only four out of nine senators on the committee voting in favor of the bill. While advocates are disappointed, they are committed to continuing to raise awareness about the dangers of drinking too many sugary drinks.

Read more from California’s sugary drink advocacy group Kick the Can here. 

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