Yard Sign Campaign in Atlanta to Kill Speed and Save Lives


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If hit while walking by a driver going 20 mph, the risk of death is 5%.

If hit while walking by a driver going 40 mph, the risk of death is 85%.

Pedestrian advocates in Atlanta (10.2% Latino) are trying to slow drivers down and make walking safe and accessible for all pedestrians.

Pedestrians Educating Drivers on Safety (PEDS) teaches drivers and pedestrians about their rights and responsibilities and encourages transportation professionals to design streets for pedestrians rather than only for cars.


One effort is to post SLOW DOWN signs. Community members are posting SLOW DOWN signs on their streets to remind drivers not to treat their neighborhood street like a highway. PEDS made these signs free and available at participating stores and events across Atlanta. So far, over 8,000 households have participated in this yard sign campaign.

Additionally, PEDS efforts have inspired improvements in safe cross walks at transit stops, which are particularly valuable for active commuters, such as Latinos. They walk and/or use public transit to commute more than other populations; however, Latinos are disproportionately burdened with unsafe places to walk and face a higher risk for injury and death.

Learn more about the founder of PEDS, Sally Flocks, in this video.

Register on our site and start connecting with others interested in improving pedestrian safety.PEDS Speed Kills Infographic

Share how this community is working to improve pedestrian safety with your friends, colleagues, and partners.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos live within walking distance (<1 mile) of a park

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