3 Ways to Deal with Loneliness During Holiday Season


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While most people spend the holidays in the company of family and friends a recent survey by the American Psychological Association showed that 1 in 4 Americans experiences loneliness during the Christmas season.

Among the most affected by loneliness are senior citizens who have lost communication with family members and or don’t have the means to travel.

To cope with the feeling of loneliness here are a few recommendations:

  1. Reconnect with old friends and family using social media.

The holiday season is the perfect time to reconnect with old friends and family. Social media has made it easier and cheaper to keep in touch with family and friends. Platforms like Facebook and Skype offer free video calling. If your family lives abroad, you can keep in touch with them using WhatsApp–a free messaging app.

  1. Don’t exclude yourself

If you’re feeling lonely during Christmas, the best thing to do is to go out and attend holiday parties or free events in your community. Staying at home and doing nothing will only make your loneliness feel worse. Another great way to combat loneliness is to go out for a jog around your neighborhood.

  1. Volunteer

During this time of the year there are many organizations that would appreciate a helping hand. Reach out to local charities in your area and offer to help the poor and sick.

According to experts volunteering and helping others give you a sense of happiness and inclusion.

From all of us at SaludToday we wish you a wonderful Christmas!

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