6 Ways to Reduce Risk of Cervical Cancer


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hpv psa redesCervical cancer is most frequently diagnosed in Latinas, and black women tend to have lower 5-year survival rates and die more often than any other race, according to a news report in the Chicago Defender.

However, the disease is preventable.

Here are six ways the article lists to reduce your cervical cancer risk:

1. Get a regular Pap smear.
2. Follow up on abnormal Pap smears.
3. If you are sexually active, use a condom.
4. Limit the amount of sexual partners you have.
5. Quit smoking or avoid secondhand smoke.
6. Get the HPV vaccine.

Regarding the HPV vaccine, according to the article: “Two vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, have been approved for use in girls and young women to help prevent cervical cancer. Gardasil immunizes against certain strains of HPV which cause 70% of cervical cancers and 90% of genital wart cases and is effective for at least five years. Cervarix is effective against the two main strains of HPV virus that causes cervical cancer and last for over six years.”

Learn more about cervical cancer here.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage

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