Airports Launch Healthy Dietary Changes


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Traveling doesn’t always allow time for healthy choices, especially when airports are filled with unhealthy options at every corner, but now more vegetable based options may be seen at the next airport restaurant you visit.

Many Airports are encouraging travelers to follow the 2015 Dietary Guidelines and offering up more fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes in various ways. According to a recent article by foodtank, more than 70 percent of airport restaurants nationwide offer at least one plant-based entree, a 25 percent jump from 2001.

Menus offered up include vegetable based plates with cultural influences like Mediterranean vegetable plates, and rice bowls.

Chicago O’Hare is offering Bibb lettuce in Concourse G, and local vegetable shops are popping up in airport terminals in Los Angeles, Charlotte, and Minneapolis. John F. Kennedy airport even has crops dedicated to families in need.

Offering fresh foods in a convenient way to travelers may help make them see the healthy choice as the easy choice.

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