About the Author

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Rosalie Aguilar-Santos

Rosalie Aguilar Santos, MS, is Salud America!'s national project coordinator. She is passionate about nutrition, physical activity, and opportunities to engage communities in advocacy actions to promote Latino childhood health.

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Articles by Rosalie Aguilar-Santos

Bill to guarantee school recess in New Jersey unanimously passes Snate committee vote

According to this report, S 1501 which require at least 20 minutes of recess time for children in grades K-5th was passed by a Senate committee on February 21, 2013. The bill states that children should not be denied access to recess for any reason. Sen. Turner who is sponsoring this bill believes that children will have more time to play and exercise, once this bill is ...

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Bill Would Eliminate Junk Food from SC School Vending Machines and Lunches

News article from South Carolina about the proposed bill that will eliminate "junk food" that meets a certain criteria from lunch rooms and vending machines, along with regulating the beverages for purchase, during school ...

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CATCH Success in El Paso, TX

Latino children who are overweight or obese are at a greater risk for developing type II diabetes. In communities where fast food is readily available and where a sedentary lifestyle is commonplace, children can benefit from evidence based programs such as CATCH. Parents, teachers, and students attending Glen Cove elementary in El Paso, Texas describe how the CATCH program has helped them lead healthier lifestyles. ...

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Best Practices Tool Kit for Shared Use Agreements in Mississippi

The Mississippi Department of Education's Office of Healthy Schools developed and released a best practices toolkit for shared use agreements on July 1, 2012, under mandate by HB 540. This toolkit provides an overview of what shared use agreements are, a checklist of resources needed to create a joint use agreement, an explanation of liability protections, model joint use agreements, potential shared use partners, funding opportunities, and a list of schools in Mississippi that had shared use agreements in place as of July, 1, ...

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Bexar County​ Community​ Health Improvement​ Plan

This page describes why healthy eating and active living is so important. It also lists the short term objectives of the Bexar County Community Healthy Improvement Plan. ...

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Beyonce signs $50 endorsement deal with Pepsi, After Having Encouraged Children to Stay Active

Dr. Marion Nestle, author of Why Calories Count, brings insight to how little Pepsi Co. has to lose from spending $50 million on an endorsement deal, with singer Beyonce, and how minority children will be adversely affected. Dr. Nestle also raises the question as to whether Beyonce has crossed an ethical line, knowing that children in the nation face a high risk for obesity, and having formerly participated in the Let's Move! campaign video, entitled "Move Your ...

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Bike Access Victory for New Bridge Over 400

Two new bike lanes for a new Northridge Rd bridge over 400 were ultimately included in the final plans of a Georgia Department of Transportation project. ...

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Bill for South Carolina to Eliminate Junk Foods in Schools

The Bill that will be presented to eliminate junk foods from schools in South ...

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Bill Number 843

The summary, actions, and full text of H.B. 843 that would, among other things, tax sugary drinks in the state of New ...

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