Jóvenes inmigrantes menos propensos a ser criminales

Jóvenes inmigrantes son menos propensos  a cometer crímenes, usar drogas y presentar comportamientos violentos, a comparación de jóvenes nacidos en Estados Unidos, según un nuevo estudio por la Universidad de Texas-Austin. El estudio publicado en Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, analizo datos demográficos para demostrar que los adolescentes inmigrantes son estadísticamente menos probables que jóvenes nacidos en el país en involucrarse en acciones ilegales o violentas, como peleas callejeras, venta de drogas o portar armas de fuego—y menos probables de consumir alcohol y drogas. En los últimos años hemos visto un aumento de migrantes en los Estados Unidos, también hemos visto una alta en la preocupación en cómo estos inmigrantes pueden poner a la ...

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Poverty Concentration High Among Latinos

According to a recently published report from The Century Foundation, poverty concentration has resurfaced in the United States and Latinos have become disproportionately affected. Small urban cities, such as Syracuse, New York, have seen that 62% of their Latino population now lives in poverty. The report found that cities such as Syracuse have grown 12.6% since 2000, while large metropolitan areas have grown by less than 2%. The report found that there is a widespread growth of poverty concentration nationwide. This affects a wide swath of societal ills such as urban violence, police-community tension, and racism. One of the more intriguing findings of the report was that the Great Recession was not directly responsible for this increase in poverty numbers, except for Latinos. ...

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Math and gardening in the classroom?

How does math calculate with gardening? Giving students a hands-on approach to calculation, social studies, science and more, schools like Hannah Elementary School in Beverly, Massachusetts ( 17% Latinos in MA) are opening their doors to a garden classroom education. Students are able to conceptualize life cycles of bugs and anatomies of seeds. School gardens become places of inspiration for creative writing or art. Green City Growers, City Sprouts, and Berkeley's Edible Schoolyard project are all about gardens being interactive classrooms where students learn to grow their minds and their knowledge of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Learning about healthy foods and incorporating these foods into Latino kids diets and classrooms are important in areas where ...

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Why Obesity Continues to Plague Latino Population (and What You Can Do about It)

latino oy playing baseball physical activities

U.S. adult obesity rates remained mostly steady―but high―this past year, although Latino adults and children continue to suffer higher rates than whites, according to a new report by the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). The report found that adult obesity rates increased in six states and remained stable in the rest. “Stabilizing rates is an accomplishment. However, given the continued high rates, it isn’t time to celebrate” because obesity increases the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, said Dr. Jeffrey Levi of TFAH. “We’ve learned that if we invest in effective programs, we can see signs of progress. But, we still haven’t invested enough to really tip the scales yet.” Obesity continues to hit ...

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College Makes Strides in Increasing Diversity

Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) is the second-largest community college in the nation. Currently, 52% of its students are from minority racial or ethnic groups including Latinos. A large part of this is due to the school’s longstanding “Pathways to the Baccalaureate” program. The program is a consortium of 10 area educational institutions including NOVA, area public schools, and George Mason University and provides outreach to high school students that are more likely to face obstacles entering college. “The program is designed to breach the barriers of higher education,” said Everett Eberhardt, director of equity, diversity, and ADA/504 compliance at NOVA. “The purpose is to increase access to education for at-risk students.” Founded in 2005, the ...

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#Commit2Ten Campaign encourages health in 10 minutes

Healthier Generation is launching #Commit2Ten, a campaign challenging the nation to add 10 more minutes of physical activity a day. Studies show Latino kids have less active spaces and are more likely to be overweight than their peers, allowing 10 minutes of fun physical activity in their environments whether in school or at home may help them achieve a healthier lifestyle. The website of the campaign states that more than 80% of Americans or physically inactive. They also state that no federal law requires physical activity for students in schools, and that only 1 in 3 children are physically active everyday. The resources for the commit to ten's campaign website encourages students and people of all ages to commit to 10 minutes a day of some type of physical ...

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More Latinos Are Dying in the Workplace

Latinos are overworked and underpaid and more are dying in the workplace, according to recent studies, Latin Times reports. Studies by various government agencies, organized labor and human rights group show Latinos “suffer a disproportionate amount of abuse and injury in the workplace. A recent study by the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) showed more Latinos are dying in the workplace “despite declines in deaths of workers in other groups.” According to a study by the LCLAA “797 Latinos died at the workplace [in 2013], constituting the highest death toll for Latinos since 2008 and higher than any other working minority. Of those 797 Latinos, 527 were immigrants.” Although injury and illnesses among Latino workers are going down working conditions ...

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National Walk to School Day on 10/7/2015

October 7th is the 18th annual National Walk to School Day! There are over 2,080 registered Walk to School Day events across the country that you can join. Or you can register a new event.  Either way, you can help spread the word and help your community get active. When you plan and register a Walk to School Day event, Safe Routes to School provides access to free, downloadable materials including stickers, certificates and customizable fliers. Registrants will also receive to a weekly e-newsletter for four weeks in September and October with tips and resources for organizing a Walk to School Day event. The Safe Routes to School program can change neighborhood and school environments, making the healthy choice the easy, and helping schools save money.   Feeling ...

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El café podría ser un aliado de los pacientes con cáncer de colon

Un reciente estudio revelo que el tomar varias tazas de café al día podría ayudar a disminuir el cáncer de colon (el segundo cáncer con mayor incidencia entre los latinos), reporta NBC News. Para el estudio, pacientes de cáncer de colon reportaron en un diario su actividad física y su dieta. “Lo que encontramos es que un poco menos de 1,000 pacientes es que entro los que toman café regularmente tiene más probabilidad de sobrevivencia, lo que significa tienen menos probabilidad de que el cáncer recurra o que fallezcan a causa de este,” dijo el Dr. Charles Fuchs director del centro de cáncer gastrointestinal del instituto de cáncer Dana-Farber. Investigadores encontraron que aquellos que toman cuatro o más tazas de café al día tienen un 42% menos probabilidad de ...

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