Survey: Latino Parents Are Hopeful for Their Children’s Opportunities

Latino parent RWJF survey

Latino parents are hopeful that their children will have more opportunities to succeed in life than they did, but recognize that inequities may limit them, according to a new study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). To create the Raising the Next Generation study, RWJF, together with the research firm PerryUndem, interviewed over 2,000 parents and caregivers (400 of which were Latino) on their perceptions of inequity and discrimination in the U.S. They also asked about optimism about the future and challenges their children might experience. The survey revealed many interesting findings about how Latino parents perceive inequities and how income and immigration affect their perceptions. Findings from the Raising the Next Generation Study When it comes to future ...

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New Survey: Latino Families Worried about Education, Economic Security, Racial Justice Post-COVID-19

Abriendo Puertas Survey about covid-19 coronavirus recovery

Latino parents are concerned about education for their children, their economic security, and racial justice when emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new data from a report conducted by Latino Decisions and Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors. Parents also want government leaders to address these issues, the survey says. “The future of our country is inextricably linked to the wellbeing of Latino families. If we don’t act now, America will face a deeper economic depression, workforce instability, and soaring school drop-out rates,” according to the policy report. The report highlights the areas of concern and recommends policies that can address these issues. About the Survey to Gauge Latino Parents’ Concerns amid COVID-19 Before COVID-19, many Latino families ...

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National Institute of Health Establishes UNITE Initiative to Combat Structural Racism

The National Institute of Health (NIH) has announced a new initiative to address structural racism – the UNITE Initiative. “With representation from across the NIH Institutes and Centers, UNITE aims to establish an equitable and civil culture within the biomedical research enterprise and reduce barriers to racial equity in the biomedical research workforce,” according to the NIH website. NIH hopes that this initiative will help address racism and discrimination that has impacted healthcare throughout history. “Historical racism has led to the marginalization and oppression of Indigenous peoples, African Americans, Latinos, and other communities of color. … Structural racism has resulted in persistent health disparities, poor health status, and premature mortality as ...

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New Study: Social Media Discrimination Leads to Depression, Anxiety for Latinos

social media discrimination

Exposure to racial and ethnic discrimination on social media is correlated with higher levels of anxiety and depression for young Latino men, according to a new study by researchers at Florida International University. “Surprisingly, there is a lot of research about cyberbullying and social media but there really wasn't a thorough study that looked at how exposure to ethnic discrimination on social media impacts mental health,” said Miguel Ángel Cano, lead author and principal investigator of the study at FIU’s Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work, according to a press release. This study has severe implications for Latinos, who tend to suffer from mental health issues and have less access to mental health services. It also indicates how ethnic ...

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Kathryn Karam: Acknowledging Your Own Bias as a Person of Color

kathryn karam

Kathryn Karam isn’t afraid to speak out against racism and discrimination. She thinks that everyone should address their implicit biases and that being a person of color doesn’t prevent you from having bias. That’s why Karam wrote a column for her college newspaper, The Collegian, last fall after the Black Lives Matter and George Floyd Protests to raise awareness about how people of color can have their own biases against Black people. Karam comes from a family of Middle Eastern immigrants, growing up in a culture where topics like politics were taboo. Now she’s a sophomore at the University of Massachusetts Amherst studying journalism and public relations, where she hopes to continue the conversation. Raised by Immigrants Karam grew up in the suburbs of Boston, in ...

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Farmers Market Coalition Building an Anti-Racist Toolkit

Farmers markets are thought to be great options for communities to support local farmers and buy healthy, organic food. But what role do farmers markets have in addressing food justice and racial inequity? Farmers markets should take an active role in addressing structures and policies that perpetuate inequities and discrimination, according to the Farmers Market Coalition, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting farmers markets and providing income opportunities for farmers. That’s why Farmers Market Coalition created an anti-racist toolkit. What the Anti-Racist Toolkit Has to Offer The Farmers Market Coalition is teaming up with Sagdrina Jalal, senior director of partnerships and programs at the Center for Civic Innovation in Atlanta, Nedra Deadwyler, a public historian and ...

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#SaludTues Tweetchat 2/23: Advocating for Inclusivity and Equity with People with Disabilities

Advocate for People with Disabilities

COVID-19 has highly impacted people with disabilities, especially Latinos and other people of color with disabilities. Even before COVID-19, many barriers have made life inequitable for people with disabilities, whether in the workplace, classroom, or doctor’s office. Creating inclusive spaces and policies for people with disabilities will help us reach a more equitable society. Join #SaludTues on Feb. 23, 2021, at 1:00 PM EST to tweet about how we can advocate for inclusivity and equity with people with disabilities. WHAT: #SaludTues Tweetchat: “Advocating for Inclusivity and Equity with People with Disabilities” DATE: Tuesday, Feb, 23, 2020 TIME: 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST (10:00-11:00 p.m. PST) WHERE: On Twitter with hashtag #SaludTues HOST: @SaludAmerica ...

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How Has COVID-19 Affected People with Disabilities?

People with disabilities affected by COVID

We know that COVID-19 can impact anyone. But some people are more likely to be infected based on their jobs, living situations, and health conditions. One of those groups is people with disabilities. People with disabilities are highly impacted by COVID-19. Latinos with disabilities are at even higher of a risk. Advocates are asking state health departments to prioritize people with disabilities to get the COVID-19 vaccine, but most states are keeping the initial phases to people over 65, regardless of chronic illness. How are people with disabilities affected by COVID-19 and how can we advocate for equity? How are People with Disabilities Impacted During COVID-19? One way that people with disabilities are impacted by COVID-19 is through potential exposure from home care ...

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