SaludToday Guest Blogger
Jefferson Dental Clinics Women with gum disease have up to a 36% higher risk of breast cancer, according to a recent study. That’s alarming given that 6 in 10 Latinos have gum disease (known as periodontal disease)—the highest rates of this condition among all racial/ethnic groups—and Latinas are 20% more likely to die from breast cancer than non-Latinas. Gum disease, which is mainly caused by poor oral health and smoking, occurs when pockets in the gums form around teeth, allowing the growth of bacteria that can cause teeth to loosen and even fall out. The connection between gum disease and cancer is profound. “Women with periodontal disease who were former smokers had a 36% higher risk of breast cancer, women who were smoking at the time ...
Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally published here and written by Rafael López, Commissioner, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families (ACF), and is republished with the courtesy of HHS ACF. For many people, January is a time to make resolutions and set goals for a healthier New Year. January 2016 is an especially important month. Open enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace ends on January 31, 2016. Since open enrollment began on November 1, over 8.6 million people have signed up for affordable health care coverage just this year and it is estimated that about 17.6 million uninsured people have gained health insurance since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Of them, over 4 million Latinos (ages 18-64) gained health insurance, and the uninsured ...
Schools often have physical activity facilities, but many are not open to the public. Shared use agreements—contracts between a school and a city, county, or sports league that outlines rules for sharing existing facilities can help Latino neighborhoods have more access to active spaces and help Latino kids stay active and healthy, according to our new infographic on shared use agreements which is part of the new Salud America! Active Spaces and Latino Kids research package on the latest science and policy recommendations on the Latino physical activity environment. Share this infographic today! Salud America! is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded national Latino childhood obesity prevention network based at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, the team ...
The majority of Latino kids who live in inner city neighborhoods lack access to active spaces and safe streets where they can be physically active. Streets in Latino neighborhoods are often plagued with speeding cars and lack of sidewalks. Research shows that when communities adopt a “complete streets” policy and organize events such as “Open Street” more Latino kids and their families become physically active, according to our new infographic on safe streets which is part of the new Salud America! Active Spaces and Latino Kids research package on the latest science and policy recommendations on the Latino physical activity environment. Share this infographic today! Salud America! is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded national Latino childhood obesity ...
Cancer is quickly becoming the No.1 killer in the United States and the leading cause of death among Latinos, Fox News reports. New health statistics show cancer is quickly overtaking heart disease as the top cause of death in the U.S., despite death rates falling in the last 25 years. According to government figures cancer is the “leading cause of death in certain groups of people, including Hispanics, Asians, and adults ages 40 to 79.” The American Cancer Society predicts there will be 1.7 million new cancer cases this year, and 600,000 deaths. “Government figures for 2014 show cancer was the leading cause of death in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, ...
Editor’s Note: This is the story of a graduate of the 2015 Èxito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training program. Apply now for 2016. Jazmin Martinez
Anaheim, Calif. The strong mentorship and support of a faculty member at her university gave Jazmin Martinez the motivation to continue preparing for a career in Latino health disparities. Jazmin's ultimate goal is to obtain a doctorate in public health and focus on health disparities. Jazmin fundamentally believes that we need more ethnic minority professors in this country.
Jasmin obtained her bachelors at California State University, double-majoring in Chicano and Latino Studies and Political Science. She is currently working on her Masters in Public Health at CSULB. After completing her masters, Jazmin plans to ...
Las enfermedades respiratorias desproporcionalmente afectan a los latinos nacidos en el extranjero según un reciente estudio publicado el American Journal of Public Health, reporta Latin Post. Los que trabajan en las áreas de construcción, agronomía y fabricas tienen un riesgo mas alto. En la cultura mexicana, los problemas respiratorios son usualmente tratados con medicinas herbales, pero estos métodos no son efectivos a la hora de tratar problemas serios como el asma. “Limon, llantén, canela son algunas de las hierbas usulmante utilizadas para tratar problemas respiratorios en la comunidad latina. Sin embargo problemas severos no son curables es por eso que la prevención es importante para prevenir contagios. El lavarse las manos y consumir suficientes vitaminas ...
More than a quarter of the country’s senior citizens are hungry or at nutritional risk, New America Media reports. Researchers at the Gerontological Society of America determined that two-thirds of older, hospitalized patients are poorly nourished. Malnutrition is especially challenging for individuals older than 65 as it can trigger or worsen chronic diseases. Poor nutrition may increase the chances of infection, delay normal healing and result in longer hospital stays. Malnutrition among Latino elders is a greater crisis as they tend to be among the fiscally poorer. “Malnutrition literally means ‘bad’ nutrition,” said Lauri M. Wright, a researcher and nutritionist from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “A big issue for our senior population is the lack of ...
Updated federal dietary guidelines suggest Americans should consume less sugar, fat and salt and more vegetables and whole grains, The Wall Street Journal reports. The guidelines, which are updated every five years recommend a “healthy eating pattern” with conscious decisions about what we drink and eat. “By focusing on small shifts in what we eat and drink, eating healthy becomes more manageable,” Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia M. Burwell said. The guidelines suggest Americans should consume: A variety of vegetables, including dark green, red and orange, legumes (beans and peas), starchy and other vegetables
Fruits, especially whole fruits
Grains, at least half of which are whole grains
Fat-free or low-fat dairy, including milk, yogurt, cheese, ...