Coca-Cola’s Chief Scientist Resigns


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Rhona S. Applebaum, Coke’s chief scientist is stepping down after revelations that the soft drink giant tried to play down the role of coke products in the spread of obesity, New York Times reports.

Wilfredo Lee/Associated Press
Wilfredo Lee/Associated Press

Data from SaludAmerica shows more than 39 percent of Latino children between the ages 2-19 are overweight or obese in the United States.

As part of Coke’s strategy to influence research on the effects of sugary drinks on obesity, Applebaum helped establish a nonprofit group known as the Global Energy Balance Network. “The group’s members were university scientists who encouraged the public to focus on exercise and worry less about how calories from food and beverages contribute to obesity.”

According to Coca-Cola the company did offer financial support to the group established by Dr. Applebaum, but had no influenced on the group or the research they conducted.

To learn more about Latino childhood obesity, visit SaludAmerica!

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