Community-owned grocery store planned for downtown Green Bay


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The majority of Latinos who live in Green Bay, live downtown. Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture as named downtown Green Bay a food desert, an area that lacks access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food. There are many great ways to improve a neighborhood’s food access, and the Green Bay community has gotten really creative: they have decided to invest in a community-owned grocery store.

The store, New Leaf Market Cooperative, will feature local, healthy and fair-priced food for the community, not only improving access to healthy food but also strengthening the market for local farm and food products and creating new jobs.

Everyone is welcome to shop at New Leaf Market, and the store is run by various community members who contribute a small initial investment. This is a great opportunity for folks to give back to their neighborhood in a lasting, health-minded way.

In addition to selling groceries, New Leaf hopes to partner with the community to teach cooking classes, do farm-to-school gardens, and much more.

The store has a set location, and hopes to raise enough funds to open within a year.


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