Dallas Rejects Big Soda


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Dallas City Council members are working toward healthier weights at city hall, saying no to Dr. Pepper and Coca-Cola as concerns about obesity rise. A recent article reports that of the 21,000 people employed by the city, nearly 80 % are overweight or obese.

The city is concerned as obesity is linked to chronic disease and health care costs, where the city contributes more than $65 million tax dollars to its health plan each year.

The two beverage companies have been giving away free sodas to council members and setting up “healthier” vending machines proposals for the city facilities.

Many council members even question if sugary drinks should be sold at any city facilities. The vote by the Budget, Finance, and Audit committee was 5 to 1, rejecting Coca-Cola and Dr. Peppers’ attempts to restock vending machines back on November 3rd.

Again, rejecting Coca-Cola’s attempts to restock the vending machines, now with vitamin waters, juices and diet cokes, the 14 to 1 votes rolled in around mid-November.

Dr. Pepper vending machines currently remain at some city facilities including City Hall, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, Meyerson Symphony Center, Bahama Beach water park, city golf courses and city recreation centers.

However, more proposals will begin in December from Coca-Cola with an emphasis on healthy drink offerings and donations of free sodas will be looked down upon by most council members.

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