You care about promoting racial justice for people of color in our cities … and this Action Pack can help you!
Our team at Salud America!, led by Dr. Amelie Ramirez of UT Health San Antonio, is excited you’re taking this big step.
This Action Pack has 3 steps to help you get input from local advocates of color, start a conversation with local leaders, and build local support for a resolution to declare racism a public health issue along with a commitment to take action to change policies and practices!
Before You Start…
Check out these customizable materials:
💬 FAQs. Why is racism a public health crisis? How can a city resolution help? Etc.
📔 Customizable City Resolution (Word).
📰 Read Case Studies. Leaders in Ohio and California are among over 24 cities/counties to declare racism a public health crisis and committed to action.
📣 Technical Assistance. All of our action pack coaches, Alyssa Gonzales, Catherine Wilson, and Cliff Despres, can answer questions and help customize materials for you. Email us:
Step 1: Ask for Input on a City Resolution to Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis & Commit to Action
Use our model emails & talking points to engage racial/ethnic organizations, social justice groups, and public health agencies for input and guidance on a city resolution and commitment to action.
📔 Find Local Social, Racial/Ethnic, and Health Groups to Engage (PDF)
📨 Email to Groups (Word)
🗣 Talking Points (PDF)
Step 2: Email City Leaders to Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis & Commit to Action
Use our model email, talking points, and social media messages to ask your city leaders to take steps to start and support a city resolution and commitment to action.
📔 Find Your City Leaders’ Contact Info. After locating your city leaders, you may have to Google specific names to find an email address.
📨 Email to City Leaders (Word)
🗣 Talking Points (PDF)
📰 Social Media Messages (Word)
Step 3: Get Community Support for a City Resolution to Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis & Commit to Action
Use our sample email, press release, talking points, and social media messages to build community support for a city resolution and commitment to action.
📨 Email Community Advocates (Word)
📰 Social Media Messages (Word)
🗣 Talking Points (PDF)
Get Help Anytime!
All of our action pack coaches, Alyssa Gonzales, Catherine Wilson, and Cliff Despres, can answer questions and help customize materials for you. Email us:
And at the end of your efforts, we will promote your progress on our national website among our other Salud Heroes!
And you don’t have to stop here, either.
You can start a Handle With Care program to promote trauma-sensitive care for kids, even while schools are closed!