Schools Reboots Recess to Boost Activity, Reduce Bullying


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Edmonds School District, in Snohomish County (9.5% Latino), recently approved a Recess Remodel Program based on a program they piloted last spring to reduce bullying at recess and increase concentration in the classroom.

The remodel includes “clearly delineated activity zones, such as four square, hopscotch and basketball” on the playground as well as physical education teachers to reinforce rules and safety.

This more structured environment makes kid’s activity choices clear, which increases participation in physical activity, thus decreases disciplinary problems on the playground and increases impulse control in the classroom.

In addition to reduced bullying and increased concentration, are the health benefits of increased physical activity.

Latino kids are typically more sedentary and more obese than White kids.  Additionally, Latino kids attending schools with large minority populations are typically offered less time for recess and physical education compared to kids attending schools with large White populations.

Structured physical activity in schools can help Latino children participate in more physical activity.

Click here to learn more about the pilot program.

Click here to read about the Edmonds School District Board of Directors approval for the Recess Remodel Program.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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