En Español: The State of Latino Housing, Transportation, and Green Space


en espanol - housing transportation green spaces among latinos
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Check out these new Spanish-language research materials on the alarming state of Latino housing, transportation, and green space from our team at Salud America! UT Health San Antonio.

The new Spanish materials are based on an English research review earlier in 2019.

The research found that, sadly, U.S. Latino communities face unaffordable housing, unreliable public transportation, and a lack of green space and parks. This limits Latinos’ access to health-promoting assets─medical care, good schools, healthy food, and physical activity. This also contributes to health inequities.

Fortunately, community leaders can adopt dynamic land-use methods, public-private partnerships, and community involvement to build and revitalize Latino neighborhoods. This can create affordable housing, connection to public transportation, and more green spaces.

The result is health equity─a fair, just opportunity to achieve the best health possible.

The State of Latino Housing | El Estado de la Vivienda Latina y Soluciones Asequibles

Housing - Latinos and Inequities - En Espanol - SpanishLatino families are burdened by high housing costs, eviction, and displacement. Yet, increasing affordable housing options can improve Latino communities.

Find the latest news about Latino housing issues.

The State of Latino Transportation | Condiciones Del Transporte Para Los Latinos

Transit -Latino Inequities - En Espanol SpanishLatino families are burdened by high housing costs, eviction, and displacement. Yet, increasing affordable housing options can improve Latino communities.

Find the latest news about Latino transportation issues.

The State of Latino Green Space | El Estado de los Espacios Verdes en Comunidades Latinas

Green Space - Latinos and Inequities - En Espanol SpanishLatino families are burdened by high housing costs, eviction, and displacement. Yet, increasing affordable housing options can improve Latino communities.

Find the latest news about Latino green space initiatives.

“We want people to share these materials with friends, family, and decision-makers to increase awareness of these key Latino health issues and drive healthy changes in their schools and communities,” said Dr. Amelie G. Ramirez, director of Salud America! and the Institute for Health Promotion Research in the Department of Population Health Sciences at UT Health San Antonio.

By The Numbers By The Numbers



of Latinos are "housing cost burdened"

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