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A report published by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research determined that health disparities persist for California’s 9.8 million adult Latinos. The rates of obesity, poor health, food insecurity and lack of insurance are higher than the state’s average.
The Center used the data from the 2012-2013 California Health Interview Survey. An estimated 2.7 million Latinos are estimated to be food insecure.
The data revealed large gaps in the between Latino groups in that nearly 40% of Salvadorans, as an example reported fair or poor health compared to 12.8% of South Americans and 30.8% of Latinos overall.
Non-U.S. born Mexican adults and Salvadorans were shown to have the most difficulty in reliably obtaining food. Among Latino groups, South Americans have the lowest proportion of major psychological disorders at 6%. Salvadorans, however, are double that amount at nearly 13%.
By The Numbers
of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage