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Reaching into the community to raise cancer awareness is a big priority of the Institute for Health Promotion Research (IHPR) at The UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, the team behind SaludToday.
That’s why IHPR researcher Sandra San Miguel and promotora Guadalupe Cornejo worked hard to bring vital health information to more than 350 Latinos on Oct. 1 at the Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio during Binational Health Week, a series of free health events across the nation to improve Latino health.
The pair, representing the IHPR and the Lance Armstrong Foundation’s LIVESTRONG campaign, passed out 100 brochres for the LIVESTRONG Survivorcare program, several “What’s Next” booklets and hundreds of yellow LIVESTRONG wristbands.
Overall, San Miguel and Cornejo had success raising cancer awareness and interest in prevention efforts.
“[Community residents] were very interested in the Lance Armstrong Foundation and in cancer in general (risk factors, prevalence within the Latino community, topics about fear, religion, etc.),” San Miguel said. “It was incredibly interesting. We’re in the process of following up with a couple of individuals and groups.”
Read more about San Miguel’s and the IHPR’s work with LIVESTRONG.
By The Numbers
of Latinos remain without health insurance coverage