Join Local Gatherings of MomsRising Members Near You


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MomsRising is a multicultural organization that focuses on family economic security, discrimination against women and mothers, and grassroots efforts  to align businesses and families. They are starting a new experiment to get their online community of secret superhero moms together in-person in a local setting and wants to know what you think.

According to MomsRising, “In 2015 alone, we’ve won battles against the NRA, kept moving the ball forward on paid family/maternity/paternity leave for ALL, advanced fair pay policies at the national and local levels, defended and expanded affordable healthcare and childcare, increased access to healthy foods for kids (including taking on fast food restaurants and getting their kids menus changed for the better!), helped pass earned sick days legislation in 7 new areas, and more. Together, we are a powerful force!”

Here’s What They’re Thinking for Local Gatherings:

  • We’ll provide regular, fresh content — great discussion ideas and questions, as well as a recommended hot book, article, interesting videos, conference calls with national and local progressive leaders, or other materials.
  • You pick the time & venue — with kids, without kids, in a home, library, restaurant (or even a bar). Your gathering could be with kids in a park, without kids at a pub, on a field trip to a beach, at a meeting room in a library, or even on a mom’s night out.
  • We’ll provide an online meeting coordination system so you can invite friends to come along, and so other MomsRising members in your area can join up with you at your gathering (You’ll be able to decide if it’s an “open” or “closed” group).
  • You post updates about your gatherings on a special place on our MomsRising website after you meet—so we can all have an online and on-the-ground statewide discussion.

Learn more about MomsRising local gatherings here and JOIN.



By The Numbers By The Numbers



Expected rise in Latino cancer cases in coming years

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